The deadline for eligible nationals of Nepal (and people without nationality who last habitually resided in Nepal) to register for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is Monday, Dec.
Nepal TPS मा रजिष्टर गर्ने अन्तिम मिति डिसेम्बर 21, 2015 हो
अस्थायी सुरक्षित स्थिति (Temporary Protected Status (TPS)) मा नेपालका योग्य नागरिकहरू (र योभन्दा पहिले नेपालमा बसोबास गर्ने बिना राष्ट्रियताका व्यक्तिहरू) ले दर्ता गर्ने अन्तिम मिति सोमबार,
USCIS Alerts Customers Affected by South Carolina Floods to Available Immigration Relief
USCIS offers immigration relief measures that may help people affected by unforeseen circumstances, such as disasters like the recent severe flooding in South Carolina.